Day of Honor Proclamation
Whereas: Crispus Attuccks, a black man, was the “First to die in the American Revolution” on March 5, 1770. Other black freedom fighters, Lemuel Haynes, Primas Black, and Epheram Black fought as Minutemen at Lexington and Concord in April, 1715. Peter Salem, Salem Poor and Jude Hall were Soldiers at Bunker Hill in June 1775. Prince Whipple and Oliver Cornwell served with General George Washington, crossing the Delaware just before the Battle of Trenton, December 25, 1779.
Whereas: The Stamp Act of 1765, Tea Act of 1773, The Boston Tea Party 1773, The Sugar Act of 1774, The Intolerable Act of 1774, The Quartering Act of 1775 led to the immortal words, “Taxation without Representation is tyranny”. James Otis, US Politician in America Revolution (1725-1783), And:
Whereas: During the War of 1812, the USS Constitution Museum in Boston, MA makes reference that Fifteen to Twenty percent of Sailors in the War of 1812 were African American and whole Regiments of African American Militia were recruited in the State of New York and Pennsylvania as well as Southern States whose members served with distinction, And:
Whereas: The Mexican America War, 1846 1848, Black Soldiers in the Mexican American War comprised a list freedmen who felt they were mainly showing loyalty to their country by fighting for LIBERTY. These units included, The First Regiment of Volunteers, New York; The Fourth Artillery; and the Ninth, Tenth, Eleven, and Thirteenth Infantry Regiments, And:

Whereas: The Civil War, 1862-1865, The Congressional Medal of Honor was awarded to the First African American recipient, William H. Carney, of the Colored 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment and President Lincoln Stated, “A Nation Divided Can Not Stand!”, and approximately 156,000 Army, 39,000 Navy, and 20,000 Combat Support Troops were African American descents, And:
Whereas: During the Indian War, 1866 – 1870, two Segregated Regiments of Blacks Cavalry, the 9th and 10th United States Cavalry, the 24th, 25th, 38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st, Infantry Regiments fought on the great plains of the Western Frontiers. Because of their fierce devotion to duty as a sign of great respect, the name “Buffalo Soldiers” was given by the Plains Tribes, And:
Whereas: During the Spanish America War of 1898, President Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Stated, “The 9th and 10th Black Calvary Regiment rescued the Rough Riders, I don’t think that any Rough Riders will ever forget the ties that bind us to the 9th and 10th Calvary”. And
Whereas: World War I, 1914-1918, The all Black 369th Infantry Regiment fought in comeback at the Battle of Argonne, Chateau, Thierry, St. Mihiel, Champagne and Vosges. The French were so Indebted to these troops, they awarded the Croix De Guerre for “Gallantry in Action” to 171 men. And:
Whereas: World War II, 1914-1915, The all Black 92nd Infantry Division and the 761st Tank Battalion were awarded over 12,000 decorations “for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an armed enemy. “The Navy commissioned two ships, The USS MASON and the Submarine CHASER PC 1264 which were named by African American Crew. The Marine Corps ended its 167 year band on including Blacks, in 1942 begin to induct African Americans. The Army Air Corps formed the Tuskegee Airman. And:
Whereas: The Korean War, 1950 – 1953, was the turning point in the acceptance of African Americans Proven Soldiers of Liberty. The Army thus eliminated 300 all-Black units and integrated over 300,000 African American into previously all white units serving in Korea. The basis of this action was EXECUTION ORDER 9981, Issued by President Harry S. Truman. It called for the equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the Armed Services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin, And:
Whereas: The Vietnam War, 1965 – 1975, African American served in every conceivable position in this war. They were represented in every branch of the military and in all ranks up to Colonels, Admirals, and Generals. And:
Whereas: The Gulf War, 1990-1993, African, Hispanics, Native, and Asian American men and Women, the minority populations of our diverse nation are strategically placed in critical command positions to insure the mission is accomplished. New heroes like Staff Sergeant Shoshanna Johnson who was wounded, captured and interned by the Iraq Army, and 1st Lt. Emily J. L. Perez, the first female minority cadet Command Sergeant Major in the history of the United States Military Academy at West Point who was killed in action.
Now, therefore be it resolved: That minority participation in every war from the Revolutionary War to the current war on terrorism has resulted in developing the world’s greatest democracy. It is incumbent that the National Association for Black Veterans Inc., Washington State Command Council, remembers the sacrifices and dedication to duty, under the most adverse circumstances, of the heroes who have Proceeded us. The Tuskegee airmen, the “Buddha Head’s” 442nd Reg. Combat Team, The Native American Code Talkers, the Philippine Scouts, the 6888th Reg. Central Postal Directory Battalion and the Black Nurses of the 168th Station Hospital, who serve during World War II.
Be it further resolved: The Washington State Command Council, National Association for Black Veterans, Inc., will celebrate and educate the citizens of Washington in accordance with Congressionally Approval Joint Resolution 44, Signed by President William Jefferson Clinton on 24th of May, 2000 as the National Day of Honor.
Mr. Larry D. Dugger
Past Commander, Washington Command Council National Association for Black Veterans, Inc